16+ Benefits of Bananas for Your Health


Although the price is cheap and is widely known in various countries, the benefits of bananas are many and have been proven by many people. Bananas can be enjoyed in various ways such as eaten directly, fried, steamed, or processed with other ingredients.

Naturally, bananas have a sweet taste. This fruit is often used as a complementary food for breast milk for babies because of its taste. Its soft texture makes bananas suitable for consumption by babies who are learning to eat. And plus, the nutrients contained in bananas have various benefits for the health of the body, one of which is useful for improving digestion in the body.

Benefits of Bananas for Body Health

1. Helps Control Blood Pressure in Hypertension Patients

The first benefit of bananas is to overcome hypertension because bananas contain lots of potassium which can help regulate fluid and electrolyte balance so that blood pressure in the body remains stable. While the dietary fiber contained in bananas can bind fat. Therefore, the formation of fat can be prevented because the content in bananas can bind fat in the body. Plaque can also constrict and even block blood vessels, causing blood pressure to increase. That way, eating bananas can help you avoid the risk of stroke and heart disease.

2. Source of Carbohydrates and Vitamin A

Bananas are also rich in vitamins and fiber. When compared to apples, bananas have more than twice as much carbohydrates and five times as vitamin A as apples. In addition, bananas are also rich in magnesium and potassium which are very important for the body to stay in shape.

3. Metabolism Smoothing Bananas

No need to take medicine. By eating bananas, those of you who have difficulty defecating can eat bananas as a treatment step because bananas can help expedite the disposal of body waste in the body's metabolic processes. One of the benefits of bananas for digestion is that it helps relieve digestive problems such as constipation thanks to the fiber in bananas. And plus, eating bananas will also ease the work of the kidneys in cleansing the blood.

Meanwhile, unripe bananas are a source of resistant starch, which is food for the good bacteria in the large intestine. So eating bananas can help improve the work of the digestive system while maintaining the health of your digestive tract.

4. Boost Immune

Do you do a lot of activities and like to exercise? The content of Vitamins A, C, and B6 contained in bananas also serves to increase the body's immunity in fighting infections so that the body will feel fresh and you will not feel weak from eating the bananas.

5. Streamlining the Flow of Oxygen to the Brain

Bananas are also rich in potassium, a mineral that is important for maintaining heart function and blood circulation. Therefore, the circulation of oxygen that is directed to the brain can be guaranteed and strokes due to high blood pressure can be prevented. Not only that, the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the brain can also be smoother by eating bananas. And not to mention the potassium in bananas which helps reduce the risk of stroke and hypertension.

6. Meet Iron Needs and Overcome Anemia

One of the most important things that bananas contain is iron. These minerals are needed by the body to produce healthy red blood cells. So this fruit is very good for people who lack red blood and precisely supports the formation of hemoglobin or protein that contains iron. Iron deficiency can be associated with anemia or anemia.

If you have this condition, try eating bananas regularly to support the formation of hemoglobin, or protein in the blood that contains iron.

7. Lose Weight

For people who are on a diet, the complex carbohydrates contained in bananas do not raise glucose levels drastically. And besides that, bananas are also low in fat so they are safe for participants in weight loss programs. In Japan, there is also a new diet trend, which is a minimum of one and a maximum of four bananas for breakfast. It's said to boost metabolism so people don't need to exercise.

8. Healthy Bones

Eating bananas regularly can also help nourish bones. Bananas are also one of the fruits that contain quite high manganese.

9. Bananas As Mood Food

Do you think food can make people feel good? Of course, yes, if the food ingredients include "mood food", which is food that encourages the formation of the serotonin hormone in the brain. This hormone causes feelings of pleasure.

The benefits of bananas come from the content of vitamin B6 and the amino acid tryptophan. In fact, eating bananas is also believed to be able to help overcome the depression you are experiencing. Tryptophan will be converted into serotonin by the body which can also make you sleep better. While the magnesium in bananas can help relax your body muscles.

10. For Skin Care

Bananas that have been mixed with honey are also efficacious to overcome skin that is too dry. It is also very good for treating the skin of elderly people who tend to get drier. In addition, bananas are also good for treating acne. The trick: crush the ripe banana flesh, then apply it to the acne-prone skin. You can mix it with lemon or honey. Then let stand for 15-30 minutes, then clean. Do this regularly until the acne disappears.

11. Source of Energy and Able to Increase Stamina

No need to consume energy drinks, just eat a banana before you exercise. Bananas are also rich in vitamins and fiber. When compared to apples, bananas contain 2 times more carbohydrates than apples. In addition, bananas are also rich in magnesium and potassium which are important for the body to stay in shape when doing activities and exercising. And what's more, eating bananas can also help your muscles move properly.

12. Support Diet Program

For those of you who are on a program to lose weight, bananas are perfect for a healthy snack. Moreover, this banana has a low-fat content.

Because the glycemic index of bananas is also quite low, complex carbohydrates in bananas will not make blood sugar levels rise drastically and suddenly.

High-fiber foods can also slow down the digestive process, making you feel full longer and eat less than you normally would. As a result, your weight can gradually go down.

13. Lowers the Risk of Colon Cancer

Research also shows that a diet high in vegetables and fruit, including bananas, can reduce the risk of colon cancer. This is thought to be related to the fiber and antioxidant content in bananas.

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14. Supplements Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is also a mineral that helps every organ and system in the body to function normally. These minerals are needed to form protein, maintain muscle and nerve function, produce energy,, and control sugar levels and blood pressure in the body.

Magnesium deficiency can also reduce appetite, cause nausea and vomiting, and can increase the risk of seizures, migraines, osteoporosis, and heart rhythm disturbances. And in conclusion, eating bananas can help prevent the risk of these problems.

15. Helps Sufficient Manganese Needs

Manganese is a mineral that the body needs to help metabolize carbohydrates, cholesterol, and amino acids. And besides, manganese also plays an important role in the growth of strong bones and wound healing. Even some studies also show that women with osteoporosis have lower levels of manganese in the body.

Plus, manganese is also believed to prevent migraines, lower the risk of pregnancy complications, and lower the risk of death from a heart attack. You can get the benefits of this banana by eating it directly or it can be processed into juice.

16. Can Maintain Pregnancy Health

Various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds in bananas can help maintain the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Eating bananas may also help prevent the risk of gestational diabetes, which can be caused by a lack of sleep during pregnancy. The benefits of bananas for pregnant women come from magnesium and tryptophan which can help improve sleep quality.

And not only that, but bananas are also believed to help:

  • Relieves heartburn and prevents stomach ulcers.
  • Fights free radicals and reduces the risk of chronic disease.
  • Reducing the risk of developing kidney cancer.
  • Prevents macular degeneration.
  • Reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.

Those are the 21 benefits of bananas that you can get if you eat them regularly and regularly. Although there are many benefits, eat bananas in moderation. Consumption of too many bananas can actually trigger headaches and drowsiness symptoms.

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