3 Ways to Prevent Brain Cancer and Consumption of Suggested Healthy Foods


Brain cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of malignant brain tumors. This disease is difficult to cure completely. The treatment given is generally aimed at slowing the growth of tumor cells or relieving symptoms of brain cancer . Therefore, prevention of brain cancer is very important. So, how to prevent brain cancer ? In addition, are there types of brain cancer-preventing foods that can be included in the diet?

Various ways to prevent brain cancer

Brain cancer can occur due to the growth of malignant tumors in the brain (primary) or the spread of cancer cells from other organs to the brain (secondary). However, the exact cause of brain cancer is not known. Therefore, there is no one sure way to prevent this disease.

However, you can lower your risk of developing this disease by avoiding various factors that may cause it. Here are some ways you can apply to help prevent brain cancer:

1. Avoid unnecessary radiation exposure

Exposure to high levels of radiation, such as radiotherapy for cancer treatment, is a risk factor for brain cancer. Therefore, avoiding radiation exposure can be one way to reduce the risk of developing this disease.

If you have certain cancers, talk to your doctor about the right treatment and minimal risk. Doctors will certainly choose the type of treatment that is higher in benefits for you than the risks or side effects it will cause.

If necessary and possible, the doctor can also limit the radiation dose as much as possible or change the type of treatment according to your condition. Always discuss with your doctor about this possibility.

2. Avoid exposure to chemicals

Exposure to certain industrial chemicals or solvents, such as vinyl chloride, aromatic hydrocarbons, triazine, and N-nitroso compounds, is said to increase a person's risk of developing this disease.

Although still being debated, several studies have found that cases of brain cancer are more common in individuals who work in oil refining, rubber factories, and drug manufacturing, which are associated with the chemicals above.

Therefore, one way that can help you prevent brain cancer is to reduce your exposure to these chemicals, especially if you work in a related industry. You can reduce your exposure by wearing gloves, a mask, protective clothing, or a respirator when working.

Shower and change your clothes before leaving the office. Also wash your work clothes separately from other clothes because it is feared that they have been contaminated with chemicals from the workplace. Do not forget to always follow the safety and health instructions that have been set by your company.

Apart from being at work, you also need to avoid exposure to other chemicals that you may encounter on a daily basis, namely from cigarettes. Therefore, you should stop smoking or avoid secondhand smoke to help prevent brain cancer.

3. Control your medical condition or illness

In addition to the two things above, you can prevent brain cancer by keeping certain medical conditions or diseases under control. The reason is, diseases associated with a weak immune system, such as HIV, or certain genetic disorders can be a risk factor for brain cancer.

Therefore, if you have one of the diseases or disorders above, you should take care of your medical condition. You can do this by regularly seeing a doctor or taking medication as recommended.

Having this disease or disorder is not certain to have brain cancer in the future. But there is nothing wrong with maintaining your medical condition so that your health is maintained in carrying out daily activities.

Variety of foods that can help prevent brain cancer

In addition to the three ways of prevention above, you also need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to help prevent brain cancer. Indeed, certain lifestyles are not associated with tumors or brain cancer. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle can improve your health so you avoid the risk of various diseases.

In addition to exercising regularly and maintaining weight, other healthy lifestyles that need to be implemented are a balanced nutritious diet and choosing foods that are proven to be good for brain health. Here are some foods that are believed to improve brain health, which may prevent brain cancer in the future:

1. Olive oil

A study conducted by researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK found that oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid present in olive oil, was able to stop the activity of proteins that trigger the formation of cancer in brain cells.

However, these findings have only been carried out in the laboratory. Therefore, further studies are needed to prove that these foods can help prevent brain cancer.

2. Fish

Based on research published in the Nutrition Journal in 2017, eating fish can reduce a person's risk of developing brain tumors or cancer. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, are high in protein and minerals, and low in fat and cholesterol, which are beneficial for health and have neuroprotective properties.

Several animal studies have also shown that the unsaturated fatty acids in fish exhibit antitumor effects through various mechanisms, such as inhibiting growth or boosting the immune system against cancer.

However, further research is needed to prove that these foods can prevent or prevent brain cancer.

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3. Walnuts, flaxseeds and other kinds of food

In addition to the two types of food above, you can also consume several other foods because they are believed to improve brain health. These foods include:

  • Walnuts.
  • Flaxseed or flaxseed.
  • Turmeric.
  • Blueberries.
  • Brown rice.
  • Onion.
  • Whole wheat.
  • Nuts.
  • Grains

Variety of vegetables and fruits, such as spinach, tomatoes, apples (especially the skin), broccoli, and others.

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