The benefits of Apples for health are no longer in doubt and are known as one of the fruits that can nourish the body. Even in the community, the term "An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" has appeared, which means that eating an apple every day can prevent disease.
This is not at all surprising, considering that apples also contain many vitamins and minerals that are good for the body.
Benefits of Apples for Body Health
1. Build Immune
One of the benefits of apples is that they can build immunity because apples contain lots of vitamin C which is one of the most important nutrients for the body.
Vitamin C itself has many benefits for various purposes for the body such as:
- Build Immune Or Immunity.
- Helps Accelerate Wound Healing.
- Prevent Allergies.
- Maintain Skin Health.
2. Prevents Cell Damage in the Body
Apples are also rich in the antioxidants quercetin and polyphenols and this makes them useful for preventing cell damage caused by free radicals.
3. Prevents Constipation
Apples are also a fruit that is rich in fiber. Apple peel is a source of insoluble fiber, cellulose and lignin. Therefore, eating apples with the skin is better than peeled apples.
And to reduce the pesticide content that may be on the fruit skin, you can wash it first with running water and special fruit and vegetable soap.
You can also soak apples in an apple cider vinegar solution.
4. Anti Diarrhea
Apples also contain a lot of pectin in the flesh, which is a crude, gel-like fiber that is soluble in water. The substance in apples is known to contain natural anti-diarrheal substances because it can protect the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from wounds and bacterial attack.
5. Lowers Cholesterol
The pectin in apples can also help lower cholesterol by absorbing fat and cholesterol, then removing it from the body along with feces.
Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits For Body Health
6. Lowering the Risk of Getting Cancer
Apples also contain other nutritious compounds, namely butyrate compounds. According to research conducted by Dr. Dieter Schrenk, MD from The University of Kaiser Lauter, Germany, butyrate compounds can also reduce the risk of colon cancer.
7. Lower the risk of children experiencing asthma
According to research conducted on pregnant women, it shows that mothers who regularly eat apples during pregnancy have a lower risk of developing asthma symptoms.
8. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes
Researchers from the National Public Health Institute in Helsinski, Finland have also reported their findings about apples in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2002.
According to these experts, apples are also proven to reduce the risk of various chronic diseases such as:
- Heart.
- Cancer.
- Strokes.
- Type 2 Diabetes.
- Asthma.
9. Helps Lose Weight
There are different types of fiber in apples, some are soluble and some are insoluble. Soluble fiber in apples, commonly called pectin, is useful for helping control blood sugar levels.
This is because pectin works together with the phytonutrient components in apples to control fat levels and blood sugar levels.
The fiber and water content in apples is not only beneficial for maintaining digestive health, but also helps lose weight. This makes apples also useful to help maintain balance and lose weight.
Having healthy digestion, controlled blood sugar and fat levels, and an ideal body weight can reduce your risk of developing degenerative diseases in the future.
10. Maintain Bone Health
One type of mineral that is in apples is potassium and iron. Both of these ingredients are also useful for maintaining bone density and strength. Not only that, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in apples are also useful for maintaining and increasing bone mass as you age.